Skype for Business and CUCM TCP Integration

With the requirement to demonstrate a Skype for Business audio integration with a CUCM, it was decided to integrate within my system.  Standing up a Skype for Business server to provide Enterprise Voice was not overly complex, but certainly presented more than one unique method to implement specific features.  One of those features proved to be creating a SIP trunk using TCP instead of TLS.

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Upgrade to Expressway 8.8.1 Breaks MRA

After completing an upgrade to Expressway 8.8.1, it was noticed that Mobile and Remote Access (MRA) suddenly stopped working.  After some searching and log files, it was found to be a DNS PTR record issue.  The  implemented “feature” that required the Expressway-E DNS PTR resolution had only been implemented as a requirement in version 8.8.1.

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Cisco CUCM DRS Backup Failure with OpenSSH

With the release of OpenSSH v6.7, weaker ciphers have been disabled.  Cisco CUCM has not updated the weaker ciphers used within CUCM as of v11.  This causes issues with backups to the OpenSSH versions in the latest distributions.  This post walks through the identification of the issue and the correction used in the CollabBackups appliance.

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Cisco Unified Communications Licensing Install and Rehost

I currently have some UC 10.x and 11.x licensing that is purchased and used for demonstrations.  With the recent purchase of the 11.x licenses, a Prime License Manager (PLM) server was stood up to manage the multiple clusters using multiple versions of the CUCM platform. This post walks through the process of standing up a stand-alone PLM server, pulling licenses from the Cisco licensing website, and the rehosting of licenses from a legacy license manager.

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