Another quick tip takes us to a Linux (Ubuntu) based system that is not resolving hostnames even with DNS properly plugged in. You may even be able to successfully perform a NSLOOKUP against your domain controller. As usual, the right file update corrects the issue.
Tag Archives: Debian
RaspBMC IP Tables and LAN Subnets
By default, the RaspBMC system at the time of this writing includes IP Tables to block communication to the system from devices sourcing from subnets other than the locally connected segment. This post lists the steps required to modify IP Tables to allow for the open communication to desired local subnets.
Determine Linux User and Group ID
This is simply a quick reference for printing out an Ubuntu/Debian systems UID and GID.
XBMC Media Source Location
While working with the Raspbmc, I was testing various SMB and UPNP file shares through the XBMC Control Center. After adding a few locations, some of them containing failed references, the configuration within the on screen menus was beginning to look sloppy. I was also curious where my entered credentials were being stored.
Removing Old Linux Kernels
Running some Linux machines for long periods of time can cause some older kernels to hang around on the /boot partition. As the /boot partition is small by design, this can cause a situation where space runs out. On my lab system, errors that have been created from this includes VMware Tools failing to load and package upgrade issues. Fortunately, the fix is not too difficult.
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First Raspberry Pi Purchase
Wow. Such a slick little system. I am surprised that I did not venture down this path a long time ago. For about $60, you can have quite a flexible little system. Best of all, its designed to run on Debian Linux. For me, the cost includes the Raspberry Pi Board, a basic plastic case, and a small SD card.
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