Tag Archives: CounterStrike

Disable Apache Directory /phpmyadmin Based on Subnet

From my CounterStrike Global Offence setup, I realized that hosting the HLStats server online also was hosting my phpmyadmin directory as well.  As exposing the database to the outside world is very undesirable, a simple change the the Apache sites-enabled directory on Ubuntu 14.04 corrected the issue.

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CounterStrike: Global Offensive Server in Ubuntu 14.04

CounterStrike has always been enjoyable to play from time to time. I have had a CS 1.6 server in the past, but it was time to stand up a CS:GO server.  There are many steps available online to walk through this process, however they all seem to lack the end to end setup to share your private server with the community at large.  Once we outline those missing steps, we will cover how to make this into a properly functioning server.

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