I have the CP-US-03 by CP Tech USB to Serial adaptor and have used that I have used for years. The manufactures driver always worked will for Windows and with kernels 2.6.11 and later, it is plug and play in Linux. With the new MacBook Pro, the provided CP Tech drivers did not work.
SecureCRT Terminal Emulation
SecureCRT is new to me since my move to a new Macbook Pro. One of the things I noticed is that out of the box, all the various colors that I had in Putty from my Ubuntu system were missing.
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Transferring a Certificate from Ubuntu into Forefront
With the new certificate loaded on the Ubuntu server, the next step for this particular configuration is to transfer the certificate over the the ForeFront server that front ends the web servers in my environment. We again start off with a SSH session and the friendly vi editor.
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Adding a Signed SSL Certificate to Apache in Ubuntu
Initially this blog was setup with https using a self signed certificate. I did always intend on updating the certificate with a “real” certificate to avoid web browsing errors. This certificate would also need to handle other sites/services at destephen.com. This is my first effort at installing certificates that needed to be recognized on everyones browsers.
Cacti on Ubuntu RRA Path Update
During the full Cacti Ubuntu installation video, it was noted that some folks had issues with the graphs displaying after the Cacti application update. This is due to the path of the rra folder within Cacti. The easiest method to update the path is to create a symbolic link within Ubuntu.
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Microsoft Exchange 2010 Database Mount Error hr=0x80004005 ec=-539
I happened to notice that I stopped receiving external emails on my Exchange 2010 instance. The strange thing was that internal messaging continued to work fine. Outlook connected, Cacti was sending notifications, etc. Normally if I do something to break my lab Exchange, it is completely down.
Where did the last few months go???
Wow, the last few months have proven to be quite time consuming. When I wasn’t working, I have been spending time with the family. I do plan on putting some content up on the site soon. Hopefully I can fit some blogging time in as we start off with 2013.
About Me
Thanks for visiting blog.destephen.com. I consider myself a technology enthusiast as I enjoy just about everything relating to technology. You will likely find this out if you read through this site.
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VMware Tools Installation in Ubuntu 12.04
These are the steps that can be used to install VMware Tools on Ubuntu 12.04.
First, add the media to the Virtual Machine through the VMware console.
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DNS Configuration
DNS Configuration actually can be quite entertaining. Enter the DNS configuration for my house/lab.