While creating a synchronization for unified messaging to an Office 365 account, errors were being displayed indicating a failure to connect. Following this guide was quite simple, but there was one simple detailed that caused a some connectivity issues for the deployment.
The guide does a great job of outlining the steps, however when completed, there was an error being displayed that seemed to indicate an issue with resolution or accessibility.

Unity Connection Office365 Test Errors
After verifying the following items, everything appeared to be configured properly
- Re-entered the password
- Verifying DNS was configured on the server properly on the CLI
- Verified direct web access from the Unity Connection system
Upon going into the Office365 Administration pages, i noticed that the newly created UM synchronization user did not have the “@domain.onmicrosoft.com” user name format. It had defaulted to the “domain.com” user name format.

Office 365 UM Account
With the selection of the @domain.onmicrosoft.com used within the documented setup of the account, the domain was updated. An alternative fix would to have used the “@destephen.com” within Unity Connection.

User Account Domain Selection in Office 365
After the update, the tests and Unified Messaging worked as expected.

Successful Unity Connection and O365 Test
Hopefully this helped as the solution was not found within searches at the time of the posting. The changing of the domain format was not used in the documentation and due to the default selection, it was overlooked when created. This selection could have been defaulted to a variety of domains if the Office 365 environment had them available.

Cisco Documentation for Office 365 and Unity Connection Integration