VMFS Datastore Wants to Reformat While Adding to a New ESXi Host

While attempting to add an existing VMFS datastore to a newly built ESXi host, the host wanted to reformat the datastore instead of detecting the existing signature.

It was found that accessing the esxcfg-volume command from the CLI was the method to use.  After adding the storage back in via the UUID, it took about 10 seconds for it to show up in the VMware interface.  The syntax below was used to correct the issue. As you can see, the command esxcfg-volume -m <UUID> was ultimately used to correct the issue.

~ # esxcfg-volume -l
VMFS UUID/label: 54ee9d73-ccd2eba2-e4bb-c8600022a600/store1.storage1.destephen.local
Can mount: Yes
Can resignature: No (the volume is being actively used)
Extent name: t10.945445000000000043877353032713030000000000000000:1     range: 0 - 1429503 (MB)

~ # esxcfg-volume
esxcfg-volume <options>
-l|--list                                List all volumes which have been
                                         detected as snapshots/replicas.
-m|--mount <VMFS UUID|label>             Mount a snapshot/replica volume, if 
                                         its original copy is not online.
-u|--umount <VMFS UUID|label>            Umount a snapshot/replica volume.
-r|--resignature <VMFS UUID|label>       Resignature a snapshot/replica volume.
-M|--persistent-mount <VMFS UUID|label>  Mount a snapshot/replica volume
                                         persistently, if its original copy is
                                         not online.
-U|--upgrade <VMFS UUID|label>           Upgrade a VMFS3 volume to VMFS5.
-h|--help                                Show this message.
~ # esxcfg-volume -m 54ee9d73-ccd2eba2-e4bb-c8600022a600
Mounting volume 54ee9d73-ccd2eba2-e4bb-c8600022a600
~ #

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